30 years together - European Cooperation Day
Sep 09

30 years together

09 Sep - 30 Sep
00:00 - 00:00

This year we celebrate the European Cooperation Day by organizing several actions:

1. Culinary challenge addressed to the audience – participants to the challenge have to send a picture of a favorite dish they tasted during their visits to Bulgaria or Romania, or a dish prepared by themselves. If the participants also know the recipe, they can send it together with the picture.

Pictures can be send in the period 09-30 September 2020 at the e-mail jsrobg@calarasicbc.ro.

All the received pictures will be included in an online photo album that will be shared starting with this month on the Facebook page of the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme. The first ten participants will receive promotional materials.

2. Installing bird houses – bird houses will be installed on trees in school yards together with students from schools involved in projects financed by Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme.  Pictures taken during the installing of the birdhouses will be uploaded to the Programme website and Facebook page.

3. Celebrating 30 years together – an online exhibition of pictures of investment objects will be arranged. The exhibition will consist in pictures of investment objects from the projects financed in our Programmes (the previous and the present, too), before and after their rehabilitation/renovation/modernization. The online exhibition will be posted on our Programme website and Facebook page.