Communication platform for cross border educational projects - European Cooperation Day
Oct 19

Communication platform for cross border educational projects

Suceava, Romania + Odessa, Ukraine
19 Oct

The representatives of cross border educational projects financed for Joint Operational Programme Romania–Ukraine 2014-2020 will meet online and present the projects (goals, expectative results, examples of activities, in 10-15 minutes range of time).

Also, they can use this meeting to explore the opportunities of results sharing, to find the potential for new cross border educational projects, as first step for capitalization.

This action is organized under the umbrella of European Cooperation Day, by „Stefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, Romania, in partnership with Odessa National Polytechnic University, Ukraine.

Facilitators: Cezar Grozavu, Executive Director at Regional Office for Cross Border Cooperation Suceava, Marcela Șlusarciuc, Project coordinator.