SDM 2020 is an inaugural Sustainable Development Conference that is expected to attract over 700 delegates from across the Caribbean Region and internationally. The event is being delivered under the theme: Create. Invest. Deliver. Scale. Targeted attendees include International development partners, private sector, Heads of Government, Academia, Investors, Entrepreneurs from all sectors, Professionals working in the sustainable development space, and persons who want to be great!
The event is expected to reach over 30 million persons across the world via an aggressive social media marketing campaign.
SDM 2020 will create a common space where International Development Partners, the Private Sector, Academia, Caribbean Governments and the Common Person meet to exchange thoughts, best practices, untold stories and strategies concerning sustainable growth and development.
Further information will be posted soon.
L’Organisation des États de la Caraïbe Orientale (O.E.C.O) organise la première édition de l’ OECS Sustainable Development Movement (OECS SDM) les 23 et 24 septembre 2020.
Pour nourrir les échanges, plus de 30 experts, entrepreneurs, agriculteurs, artistes, écrivains, personnalités publiques de différentes régions ont été rassemblés parmi lesquels :
Amandine NEGOTI, Astride OSTOLOGUE, Cindy CHERY, Corinne CONCY, Karine MASSONIE,
Dominique SAINT-PRIX, Grégory GUILLOU, Cécile SIMONNOT, Stéphane OLLAGNIER, Sarauniya JOAN, Axelle KAULANJAN, Isabelle GIBLAIN, Yasmina ELISABETH, Gabrielle MAUVOIS, Lavinia RUSCIGNI, Jonathan LEURY AGARAT, Nelly SERRE, Olivier CAREME, Maïmouna YOKESSA, Sophie RELOUZAT-BRUNO, Annie-Dominique POULLET, Sandra CASANOVA, Marie-Françoise BERNARD, Emmanuel NOSSIN, Zephrine ROYER, Jehann POGNON, Nicolas BREHM, Frantz EBADERE, Marwane BEJGANE, Bruno CARRER et Jean Marc BULLET